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The LEO First Podcast

Jan 27, 2020

Vito Maraviglia is a retired 27-year LEO, who spent his career in corrections.  Vito explains how he was able to thrive in a maximum security prison environment for the majority of his career.  Vito further talks about how he had to transition his personality from being a "tough guy" to a person who his friends and...

Jan 13, 2020

Steven Harriett is a 18-year LEO who now works in the private sector full time and continues to work as a LEO part-time. Steven talks about how to successfully transition from LEO to the corporate world. Steven highlights how to limit a person's fear to change careers. Steven also talks about the juvenile system and...

Jan 6, 2020

Sean Wyman is a 20-year LEO, former Army Airborne Ranger and a Certified Life Coach and Communication Trainer, who specializes in Mental Health Awareness. Sean's mission is to help people identify their adverse pasts, face the traumatic adverse experiences that have held them back and provide the action steps they can...